17 July 2017
- https://github.com/fchollet/keras/blob/master/examples/mnist_cnn.py
- KerasでCIFAR-10の一般物体認識(人工知能に関する断創録)
(import [keras [*]]
[keras.datasets [mnist]]
[keras.models [Sequential]]
[keras.layers [Dense Dropout Flatten]]
[keras.layers [Conv2D MaxPooling2D]]
[keras [backend :as K]])
(import keras)
(setv batch-size 128
num-classes 10
epochs 12)
;; input image dimensions
(setv img-rows 28
img-cols 28)
;; the data, shuffled and split between train and test sets
(setv mnist-dataset (mnist.load-data)
x-train (first (first mnist-dataset))
y-train (second (first mnist-dataset))
x-test (first (second mnist-dataset))
y-test (second (second mnist-dataset)))
(if (= (K.image-data-format) "channels_first")
(setv x-train (.reshape x-train (nth x-train.shape 0) 1 img-rows img-cols)
x-test (.reshape x-test (nth x-test.shape 0) 1 img-rows img-cols)
input-shape [1 img-rows img-cols])
(setv x-train (.reshape x-train (nth x-train.shape 0) img-rows img-cols 1)
x-test (.reshape x-test (nth x-test.shape 0) img-rows img-cols 1)
input-shape [img-rows img-cols 1]))
;; normalize [0.0 1.0]
(setv x-train (.astype x-train "float32")
x-test (.astype x-test "float32"))
(/= x-train 255)
(/= x-test 255)
(print x-train.shape "train samples")
(print x-test.shape "test samples")
;; one-hot-encoding
(setv y-train (keras.utils.to-categorical y-train num-classes)
y-test (keras.utils.to-categorical y-test num-classes))
;; define model
(defmacro define-sequential [model layers-def compile-options-dict]
(setv layers
(list (map (fn (elem) `(.add ~model ~elem)) layers-def)))
`(do (def ~model (Sequential))
(.compile ~model ~@compile-options-dict)
(define-sequential model
[(Conv2D 32 :kernel-size [3 3] :input-shape input-shape :activation "relu")
(Conv2D 64 :kernel-size [3 3] :activation "relu")
(MaxPooling2D :pool-size [2 2])
(Dropout 0.25)
(Conv2D 32 :kernel-size [3 3] :activation "relu")
(Conv2D 64 :kernel-size [3 3] :activation "relu")
(MaxPooling2D :pool-size [2 2])
(Dropout 0.25)
(Dense :units 128 :activation "relu")
(Dropout 0.5)
(Dense :units num-classes :activation "softmax")]
{:loss keras.losses.categorical-crossentropy
:optimizer (keras.optimizers.Adadelta)
:metrics ["accuracy"]})
(.summary model)
;; run
(def history
(.fit model x-train y-train
:batch-size batch-size :epochs epochs :verbose 1 :validation-data [x-test y-test]))
;; test
(def loss-metrics (.evaluate model x-test y-test :batch-size batch-size))
(print "loss-metrics: " loss-metrics)
;; predict
(def classes (.predict-classes model x-test :batch-size batch-size))
(print "predicted classes: " classes)
(def proba (.predict-proba model x-test :batch_size batch-size))
(print "predicted proba: " proba)