17 May 2017
- アンダーバーはハイフンに直す
- オブジェクトの属性はそのまま
でアクセスできる - メソッド呼び出しは
(obj.method arg1 arg2)
でも(.method obj arg1 arg2)
でもよい - Hyでの多重代入(分配束縛)のやりかたはよく分からなかった。マクロを書けば作れる
;; -*- coding:utf-8; mode:hy -*-
(import matplotlib)
(except [ImportError]))
(import [argparse]
[chainer.functions :as F]
[chainer.links :as L]
[chainer [training]]
[ [extensions]])
(defclass MLP [chainer.Chain]
(defn --init-- [self n-units n-out]
(.--init-- (super MLP self)
:l1 (L.Linear None n-units)
:l2 (L.Linear None n-units)
:l3 (L.Linear None n-out)))
(defn --call-- [self x]
(setv h1 (F.relu (self.l1 x))
h2 (F.relu (self.l2 h1)))
(self.l3 h2)))
(defn main []
(setv parser (argparse.ArgumentParser :description "Chainer example: MNIST"))
(.add-argument parser "--batchsize" "-b"
:type int :default 100 :help "Number of images in each mini-batch")
(.add-argument parser "--epoch" "-e"
:type int :default 20 :help "Number of sweeps over the dataset to train")
(.add-argument parser "--frequency" "-f"
:type int :default 1 :help "Frequency of taking a snapshot")
(.add-argument parser "--gpu" "-g"
:type int :default -1 :help "GPU ID (negative value indicates CPU)")
(.add-argument parser "--out" "-o"
:default "result" :help "Directory to output the result")
(.add-argument parser "--resume" "-r"
:default "" :help "Resume the training from snapshot")
(.add-argument parser "--unit" "-u"
:type int :default 1000 :help "Number of units")
(setv args (.parse-args parser))
(print (.format "GPU: {}" args.gpu))
(print (.format "# unit: {}" args.unit))
(print (.format "# Minibatch-size: {}" args.batchsize))
(print (.format "# epoch: {}" args.epoch))
(print "")
;; Set up a neural network to train
;; Classifier reports softmax cross entropy loss and accuracy at every
;; iteration, which will be used by the PrintReport extension below.
(setv model (L.Classifier (MLP args.unit 10)))
(when (>= args.gpu 0)
(.use (chainer.cuda.get-device args.gpu)) ; Make a specified GPU current
(.to-gpu model)) ; Copy the model to the GPU
;; Setup an optimizer
(setv optimizer (chainer.optimizers.Adam))
(.setup optimizer model)
;; Load the MNIST dataset
(setv mnist-dataset (chainer.datasets.get-mnist)
train (first mnist-dataset)
test (second mnist-dataset)
train-iter (chainer.iterators.SerialIterator train args.batchsize)
test-iter (chainer.iterators.SerialIterator test args.batchsize
:repeat False :shuffle False))
;; Set up a trainer
(setv updater (training.StandardUpdater train-iter optimizer :device args.gpu)
trainer (training.Trainer updater [args.epoch "epoch"] :out args.out))
;; Evaluate the model with the test dataset for each epoch
(trainer.extend (extensions.Evaluator test-iter model :device args.gpu))
;; Dump a computational graph from 'loss' variable at the first iteration
;; The "main" refers to the target link of the "main" optimizer.
(trainer.extend (extensions.dump-graph "main/loss"))
;; Take a snapshot for each specified epoch
(setv frequency (if (= args.frequency -1) args.epoch (max 1 args.frequency)))
(trainer.extend (extensions.snapshot) :trigger [frequency "epoch"])
;; Write a log of evaluation statistics for each epoch
(trainer.extend (extensions.LogReport))
;; Save two plot images to the result dir
(when (extensions.PlotReport.available)
(trainer.extend (extensions.PlotReport ["main/loss" "validation/main/loss"]
"epoch" :file_name "loss.png"))
(trainer.extend (extensions.PlotReport ["main/accuracy" "validation/main/accuracy'"]
"epoch" :file_name "accuracy.png")))
;; Print selected entries of the log to stdout
;; Here "main" refers to the target link of the "main" optimizer again, and
;; "validation" refers to the default name of the Evaluator extension.
;; Entries other than 'epoch' are reported by the Classifier link, called by
;; either the updater or the evaluator.
(trainer.extend (extensions.PrintReport
["epoch" "main/loss" "validation/main/loss" "main/accuracy"
"validation/main/accuracy" "elapsed_time"]))
;; Print a progress bar to stdout
(trainer.extend (extensions.ProgressBar))
(if args.resume
;; Resume from a snapshot
(chainer.serializers.load_npz args.resume trainer))
;; Run the training
(if (= --name-- "__main__") (main))