Common Lisp(SBCL)で素数判定の例で計測してみる
Common Lisp(SBCL)で素数判定の例で計測してみる
この辺の記事を見かけてCommon Lispだとどうなるのか調べてみた。
Common Lispにはリストの先頭に破壊的に要素を追加する push
最初 alexandria:appendf
(defstruct list-with-tail
(head nil)
(tail nil))
(defun append-element (list-with-tail element)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0)))
(let ((new-cons (cons element nil)))
(if (null (list-with-tail-head list-with-tail))
(setf (list-with-tail-head list-with-tail) new-cons)
(setf (cdr (list-with-tail-tail list-with-tail)) new-cons))
(setf (list-with-tail-tail list-with-tail) new-cons)))
(defun %make-list-with-tail (&optional list)
(if list
(make-list-with-tail :head list :tail (last list))
(defparameter *prime-numbers* (%make-list-with-tail))
(defun prime-number-p (n)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0))
(type fixnum n))
(loop for pn fixnum in (list-with-tail-head *prime-numbers*) do
(cond ((> (the fixnum (* pn pn)) n) (return))
((zerop (mod n pn)) (return-from prime-number-p nil))))
(defun calc (upper-limit)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0))
(type fixnum upper-limit))
(loop for n fixnum from 2 to upper-limit do
(when (prime-number-p n)
(append-element *prime-numbers* n))))
これをSBCL 2.2.9, Linux(Ubuntu 22.04LTS), AMD Ryzen 7 5800Xで実行してみる。 最適化宣言ありで 9.491 seconds, 宣言なしで 40.855 seconds という結果になった。
;; with optimization
CL-USER> (time (calc 100000000))
Evaluation took:
9.491 seconds of real time
9.492471 seconds of total run time (9.492470 user, 0.000001 system)
100.01% CPU
36,071,756,272 processor cycles
92,182,656 bytes consed
;; without optimization
CL-USER> (time (calc 100000000))
Evaluation took:
40.855 seconds of real time
40.854827 seconds of total run time (40.834829 user, 0.019998 system)
[ Run times consist of 0.061 seconds GC time, and 40.794 seconds non-GC time. ]
100.00% CPU
155,249,277,362 processor cycles
92,227,312 bytes consed
比較のためにリンク先のコードでCとPythonの場合で測ってみたらそれぞれ 0m7.996s, 4m35.535s だった。 さすがにCよりは若干遅いがコード量は格段に短い。
なお処理系起動やコマンドライン引数のパースの時間が入ってないので不公平なのではと思って、Roswellスクリプトとして実行してみたが、 --disable-compression
$ ros build pn.ros --disable-compression
WARNING: :SB-EVAL is no longer present in *FEATURES*
$ time ./pn 100000000
Count: 5761455
9.585 secs